Export a layout to ASCII file in "append" mode

A very simple request I have regarding the "export layout to ascii" function in the procedure : currently there's no way to append to a file rather than replacing it. However it would be very useful to create a specific log for a procedure and provide technical reports at the end of a dataflow (such as a control checksum).
I did not find any workaround for this. I tried to split each execution by exporting to a filename including @datetime but that does not work.
Thank you for sharing your idea, Etienne. We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion.
Great news, this feature is available. Here is the link to the manual:
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Hello @Monisha Jain
for me it seems, that the requested feature is not matching the features we have.
Etienne is asking to perform an export in "Append Mode". So that the file is not overwritten, but the new data is appended at the end of the file. Currently this is not possible, cause the file is allways replaced on export
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As a workaround you can run external server commands to do your merge (with PowerShell for example).
But I agree, this could be very useful.
Kind regards,
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Hi Björn, thanks for your comment, I was going to answer the same thing.
Manipulating the files through external commands is not always practical or even possible when you are a cloud customer.