Web GUI for Server Config and Adula Params

Fabian Frommann

Hi All,
We have the following situation:
You can edit the functions od BOARD and board server via the serverconfig GUI, via boardengine.exe.config (XML), via server_config_v2.xml (XML) and via adulaparams.xml (XML).
The current situation brings some challenges:
- There is no GUI for BoardEngine.exe.config and AdulaParams.xml.
- There are no hints or explanations for BoardEngine.exe.config and AdulaParams.xml.
- For editing you always have to be logged in to the Server, where BOARD Server is running.
- For cloud applications you have to edit these setting via email to BOARD Cloud Support (thank you for that!)
The advantages you will get by using a Web GUI for the configurations are:
- Remote access for administrators
- Compatibility for cloud applications
- More clarity for the editors