Allow temporary cubes to be used in IfThenElse

Gregory DAVRIU
Active Partner

In Board 11.2 the new functionality of temporary cube is available to allow intermediate calculation to be made and stored during a dataflow execution.
However these temporary cubes are not available in the IfThenElse functionality.
It would be a good addition to Board to allow these temporary cubes to be considered in this functionality since temporary cubes are meant to store a temporary result that will can lead to a decision and avoid creating multiple permanent cubes labeled "Temp_" for such operations.
However these temporary cubes are not available in the IfThenElse functionality.
It would be a good addition to Board to allow these temporary cubes to be considered in this functionality since temporary cubes are meant to store a temporary result that will can lead to a decision and avoid creating multiple permanent cubes labeled "Temp_" for such operations.
Thank you for sharing your idea, Gregory. We understand the need of this solution.
In the SUMMER 2023 release, we are going to enhance the temporary cubes usage in procedures. The temp cube can be used in 'Select' based on 'IF-THEN-ELSE' and many other cases.
We encourage you to continue submitting your ideas and suggestions in the future, as we are always open to hearing new perspectives and feedback.0