On Premise - Centralized options / Revamp of Board Server Configuration

Gregory DAVRIU
Active Partner

In Board the central element to change the configuration of the server is in the Server Configuration program.
However plenty functions are localized in different .xml / .config files and the management of all these settings is not simple for administrators.
Some of these files are even not used by the new version of the program but are "relic" of the windows version of Board.
We have (per my knowledge) :
However plenty functions are localized in different .xml / .config files and the management of all these settings is not simple for administrators.
Some of these files are even not used by the new version of the program but are "relic" of the windows version of Board.
We have (per my knowledge) :
- \Board Server\server_config_v2.xml ==> For advanced server config options
- \Board WebApi Server\App_Data\config\appSettings.config ==> For settings of the WEP API
- \Board WebApi Server\App_Data\config\broadcasting.config
- \Board WebApi Server\App_Data\config\connectionStrings.config
- \Board WebApi Server\App_Data\config\diagnostics.config
- \Board WebApi Server\App_Data\config\log.config
- \Board WebApi Server\App_Data\config\mailer.config
- \Board WebApi Server\App_Data\config\openID.config
- \Board WebApi Server\App_Data\config\saml2.config
- \Board WebApi Server\App_Data\config\snapshotter.config
- \Board WebApi Server\App_Data\config\xbrl.config
- \Board Server\Adulaparams.xml ==> For the time out management
- \Board Server\BoardEngineParams.xml ==> For the new Diagnostic log