Hide tooltip icon when Data entry is on for empty cells

Gregory DAVRIU
Active Partner

In Board 11, the tooltip function was displaying only it's icon and content if and only if there was content in the block used as reference for the tooltip.
This was also regardless the status of the block (data entry on or off).
In Board 12 this behavior was changed and if the block used as reference is in Data Entry mode, the tooltip will be displayed for all cells, even if it is empty.
Workarounds exists but what is presented as an evolution feels more like a regression.
A good option would then to give the possibility to the developer to display/hide the tooltip for empty cells regardless the status of the source block (similar to "hide zeroes").
Board 11.x screen with tooltip on - the tooltip is displayed only when there is value

Board 12.0 screen with tooltip on - an empty tooltip is displayed for empty source
This was also regardless the status of the block (data entry on or off).
In Board 12 this behavior was changed and if the block used as reference is in Data Entry mode, the tooltip will be displayed for all cells, even if it is empty.
Workarounds exists but what is presented as an evolution feels more like a regression.
A good option would then to give the possibility to the developer to display/hide the tooltip for empty cells regardless the status of the source block (similar to "hide zeroes").
Board 11.x screen with tooltip on - the tooltip is displayed only when there is value

Board 12.0 screen with tooltip on - an empty tooltip is displayed for empty source