Daniele Di Lorenzo
edited July 2018 in Idea Exchange

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Here are some ideas for a better management of securities.


Profiles selections view: see immediatly the active selection of the profile/account (if any), placed in an added column near the profile name. Every time I have to check the selection applied I have to open the select panel by each line I want to check.
As alternative, if this is too complicated, a free text column near each db profile or account ... where I can write a free note.


Security/Folder Profiles: have a possibility to copy and paste the settings of a profile.


Folder profiles: have a more comfortable view to add the folders in a profile, with the full list of folders and a flag "Hide/View" and a quick flag "Show all"


Users accounts: have the possibility to set an "activation" and "expiration" date of the account.


Security/DB/Folder profiles: have the possibility to export a file with all the details, as the "export user list" available in the users panel.
This would very helpful; I've built a database where I import the user list and join it with the cpsx log, then here I manage manually all the profiles references (link profile > folder & db, notes about selections,folder profiles settings vs folders etc...) in order to track accesses and actual use. Having such information updated automatically would be very nice.

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