The Sunset of Board 10

Fabio Donatellis
Fabio Donatellis Employee
Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments 25 Likes Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board
edited February 2023 in Blog

Board International made a commitment to provide extended product support for Board 10 when it was released over six years ago. Since 2015, Board has launched two new generations of software. The latest of these is the Board Spring 2021 release, which represents a milestone in the evolution of Board technology and combines the best of Board 10 and Board 11 to provide great new experiences. As the B10 technology is now becoming obsolete, the specific end of support day for all B10 versions is December 31, 2022. This guide outlines the phases of the sunsetting plan. Board International strongly recommends that you move to the latest version to avoid a situation where you need service or support that is no longer available.

? What is End of Development?

The first phase of sunsetting the B10 version is End of Development. It means that the Board R&D team will stop working on adding new features and functions to the B10 version. The specific end of development day for B10 is July 31, 2021.  

? What does End of Development mean for me?

After July 31, 2021, the B10 version will no longer receive functional updates. For B10 users, this means that you will no longer benefit from new functional enhancements to the Board software (such as unbalanced hierarchies, enhanced user management, etc.).

? What is the Maintenance Phase?

The second phase of sunsetting the B10 version is the Maintenance Phase. From August 1, 2021, until December 31, 2022, Board will only release security updates and critical fixes to the B10 version. During this period, the B10 version will no longer evolve functionally, however you can still raise tickets with Board Support and rely on the support team for product-related questions and inquiries. The Maintenance Phase will officially end on December 31, 2022.

? What does End of Maintenance mean for me?

Receiving security and critical updates for the B10 version during the Maintenance Phase means that your solution and data will remain protected in accordance with official guidance and requirements. Any system-critical fixes will also be provided. Board strongly recommends using the Maintenance Phase to build an upgrade path to the latest version available.

? What is End of Support?

End of Support is the last stage of the sunsetting plan, which represents the final milestone for the B10 version. From this moment on, the B10 version is considered officially retired. The official date for the End of Support for the B10 version is December 31, 2022.

? What does End of Support mean for me?

After December 31, 2022, applications using the B10 version will no longer be supported by Board. Practically, this means that if you are using B10, your solution will continue working, however, the security of your data and applications will no longer be maintained by Board and no more critical fixes will be available. In addition, the Board technical support and customer service teams may no longer be able to provide resolutions or assistance for issues related to applications using the B10 version.

? What should I do?

Upgrading to the latest Board version is the recommended path forward. The latest Board releases provide enhanced performance and flexibility, improved user experience, and a variety of valuable features that deliver better business value. The BoardVille user community offers several resources that will help you learn more about the latest version as well as guide you through the upgrade process.

? Can I upgrade my existing B10 version to the latest version?

Your upgrade path doesn’t have to follow a version-by-version sequence. You may be on version 11, version 10, or even version 9, but you can always move to the latest Board 2021 release directly, without any intermediate steps. Your journey to the latest and greatest version may be much shorter than you think.

? Can I upgrade on my own?

Yes, we have built a step-by-step guide to help you in the process, so you can follow the guide on your own. If your internal Board expertise is intermediate or advanced, you will have no problems upgrading to the latest version independently or with limited help from the Board Support team free of charge. Upgrading to the latest version is also a great opportunity to review, enhance and modernize your current solution setup (databases, capsules, screens, etc.). We recommend getting in touch with your Board Account Manager / Customer Success Manager / Consulting Partner to discuss the upgrade options and get advice on the upgrade process and best practices. Board also offers several upgrade accelerators. To find out more, please get in touch with your Board Account Manager / Consulting Partner.

? What happens if I continue to use B10?

If you are an on-premise customer, you may choose to remain on your current version 10 (or earlier). B10 is now over six years old, and over this period Board has developed and launched new versions that include a substantial boost in performance due to the redesigned database and data modelling engine, and various functional enhancements across all areas (including modelling, dataviews, Office Add-ins, UX/UI, connectors, user management, etc.) for business users, developers, and system administrators. Applications using the B10 version will continue to work, however, continuing to use the retired version not only prevents you from getting the full set of benefits from the Board platform, but also exposes you to security threats. Moreover, as a developer or system administrator of the B10 version, you will have limited support from the Board Support team when it comes to product enquiries, and the possibility to request fixes will not be available.

? Can I use the Windows Client application with the latest version?

The transition to a fully web-based HTML5 client started with the release of B10. End of Support for the WinClient was announced in 2020, and the parallel extended maintenance period of the Board WinClient application ended on June 30, 2021. The new versions (version 11 and later) of the Board platform require the use of the browser-based client application. If you are still using the WinClient with your B10 version, migrating your users to the browser-based client will be part of the upgrade path from B10 to the latest version of your choice.