Same procedure being open in multiple tabs

We have had some potential issues due to the same procedure being open in multiple tabs in edit mode. No doubt it is not a potential issue (but could lead to one) as if one wants to debug that procedure, we need to keep it open in parallel to inspect some layouts in debug mode. However even when not changing anything in any layout (just opening the layout of the dataflow) makes the option to save the step and subsequently, the procedure save as enabled.
Often when debugging there have been instances when by mistake someone has clicked on save which has led to potential work being overwritten ( as someone might make changes in 1st tab where the procedure is open and by mistake click save on the unchanged step in the 2nd tab).
Thus could we make some mechanism whereby such things are avoided (like in the windows client it showed locked and we could bring the layout of the step on which the debug has stopped directly in inspect mode) OR could you suggest a good practice to avoid such instances (simply because even while we are careful most of the time, less experienced partners have been raising these pts with us).
Lastly, this also leads to the possibility of the creation of 2 procedures of the same name.