To apply open screen triggers using Broadcasting (B12.4)

Mathijs Boef
Mathijs Boef Customer
Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment
edited January 2023 in Idea Exchange
For our monthly reporting we have a few screens with open screens triggers, because this is the only way of getting a good selection on screen.
We face the issue that open screen triggers are not applied when using presentations/broadcasting. The only way to make it work is to run the presentation first, so all the pages are loaded correctly with the open screen trigger, and then save it by "export printable report". Because we have a quite extensive report it takes a lot of time to run through this report before we can save and send it.

It would be great if:
1) there is an option in the presentation itself to select if screen triggers should be applied before saving/broadcasting the report.
2) if you have a setting on the screen itself if a screen trigger should be applied in presentation mode or not.
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