Turn off automatic search in name search in Entities/Cubes list
Shinji Shimosato

1. What is your idea?
Currently when you search name in entities/cubes screen, if you start to type name in the search field, Board search name and filter the list immediately.
It would be good if we can turn off this automatic search and search will be triiger after pushing enter key.
2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to?
In Japan, we create Entities/Cubes by Japanease.
When you start to input Japanese name in Entities/Cubes, search starts before finishing Japanese name input and we cannot search by correct name.
3. What workaround have you found and used so far (if any)?
Input search name in text editor and copy and paste to search name field..
4. What is your role in your organization?
Senior consultant
Currently when you search name in entities/cubes screen, if you start to type name in the search field, Board search name and filter the list immediately.
It would be good if we can turn off this automatic search and search will be triiger after pushing enter key.
2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to?
In Japan, we create Entities/Cubes by Japanease.
When you start to input Japanese name in Entities/Cubes, search starts before finishing Japanese name input and we cannot search by correct name.
3. What workaround have you found and used so far (if any)?
Input search name in text editor and copy and paste to search name field..
4. What is your role in your organization?
Senior consultant
Thank you for sharing your idea, Shinji. We understand the need of this solution.
This idea is part of our development roadmap and we aim to release this feature with the new UI with improved search functionality. We encourage you to continue submitting your ideas and suggestions in the future, as we are always open to hearing new perspectives and feedback.0