Set time-out for "user-procedures" (selections, layout etc.)

Barbara Mayrleitner

It would be really good for a system stability if there would be a possibility to set a time-out for layout-executions/selection-procedures caused by (normal) users.
It happens that users are doing "queries" which cannot be executed and they are leaving the screen e.g. because they see that it's not working - but the tasks are running for a very long time in the backend.. in our case till the server/services are getting restarted once a day (in the night) - but setting a time-out would reduce the quantity of senseless running tasks.
It happens that users are doing "queries" which cannot be executed and they are leaving the screen e.g. because they see that it's not working - but the tasks are running for a very long time in the backend.. in our case till the server/services are getting restarted once a day (in the night) - but setting a time-out would reduce the quantity of senseless running tasks.
Thank you for sharing your idea, Barbara. We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion. Great news, there are 2 improvements done on this in winter 2021 and summer 2022. Here's the links to them and what they are by default. Both of them can be requested through a cloud ticket!