Localized versions of training available in French, German, Italian, and Japanese

The Board Academy has released two training courses available in four additional languages: French, German, Italian, and Japanese.
1. The Foundations of Building in Board— the best source for Board users to understand the tool and begin their journey (The Japanese version will be released by end of February).
2. Leveraging Board for Business Insights— designed for new, non-technical users of Board to become acquainted with and productive with the tool.
Customers and partners can find these courses in the Board Academy, along with the English version and the other training tools. The various localized-language courses are all available from the course selection page on the Academy.
Your journey on Intelligent Planning just got much easier, and your path to success got shorter. Please visit the Board Academy to take the new courses—each available to you at no cost. If you haven’t done yet, complete a simple sign-up for an account.
Send any questions about training to edusupport@board.com.