Suggestions for Card Object Enhancements

Suggestions for Card Object Enhancements :
Request to you include some enhancements in the Card Objects
1.Date Format should be in the Calendar form
If the data entry is enabled on the Date type cube in the card Object, it should show the calendar option to input the date. As of now, it is a simple input and doesn’t give any error message if date is entered in wrong format.
2. Settings/Option to adjust each card element in Card Object
Settings/Option to adjust the positioning of the card elements/Blocks in the Card Object by entering the parameters similiar to settings for other objects in the Screen Editing Panel.As of now, there is option to position the whole object and not the elements within the Card Object. For Card Elements or Blocks, its manual from the layout view.
Or Option to move the small card objects in the design mode on the screen itself rather than in the layout.
Currently :