Import a Budget from Board into Xero

Tony Teixeira
Tony Teixeira Active Partner
Second Anniversary Board Developer Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board
edited April 2023 in Platform

Hi, has anyone come across a need to import budget data from Board into Xero?

I know Xero can upload flat files, but can it alos automated the proces with a api?

Thanks, Tony


  • Filip Rankovic
    Filip Rankovic Employee
    5 Answers Second Anniversary 25 Up Votes 10 Comments
    edited April 2023

    Hello Tony!

    Thanks for posting your question in the community.

    I have not come across that use case, but it is definitely possible to transfer data to Xero with the new "REST API call" procedure step.
    There, you can define Layouts and Parameters to be sent in a POST request to the Xero API, specifications see link below:

    Hope, this is helpful.

    Best regards,

    FIlip Rankovic
    Associate Consultant
    Board Deutschland GmbH

  • Tony Teixeira
    Tony Teixeira Active Partner
    Second Anniversary Board Developer Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board

    Hi Filip,

    Good to virtually meet you and thank you for the guidance with the REST API process.

    I will explore this further and provide feedback when I have put this into practise.

