DACH Customer Roundtables

Register now for:
UPDATE (July 19, 2023)
Based on your initial customer feedback, we plan to organize the first set of meetings starting September until the end of 2023 in the following regions or locations:
- Hamburg
- Bielefeld/Hannover
- Frankfurt
- München/Landsberg
By popular demand, we will switch or have more locations with meetings in Austria and Switzerland to follow, too, of course.
We would love to hear from you!
To plan specific topics and locations, please take one minute to answer the questions in this form or reach out to mfauquembergue@board.com. Please reach out to Marc via phone if you would like to chat more specifically or if you have any questions.
Please check your inbox in September for dates and locations. Until then, thanks so much for your feedback and have a great summer.
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What would you think about the possibility of exchanging ideas with other Board users more frequently in a face-to-face meeting rather than just once a year or electronically? Enter our newly developed roundtables.
Networking and exchanging ideas, discussing challenges and rethinking strategies or solutions together - that is what we want to focus on at local meetings with around 15 people each, in which you can play a key role.
In the last Customer Connect webinar, we already talked about the roundtables and received a lot of feedback. We have also been able to learn a lot of valuable information in personal conversations with your CSMs and KAMs. Thank you very much for this.
As a result, we know that what matters most to you is a solution-oriented exchange. Let's plan the next roundtable together:
- As a workshop?
- As a lunch or after-work event?
- Perhaps on your premises?
- What ideas do you have?
Plan with us!
First groups are already organized. In the next few weeks, your CSM or KAM will contact you in this regard. You don't want to wait that long? Then drop me a line directly or at customer_marketing@board.com.
Maybe you already have a topic or would like to participate in a roundtable? It is up to the topic and the participants. Everything can, nothing must.
Would you like to give feedback on the roundtable concept directly? Then take part in the short customer survey. Your answers will help us to plan the meetings according to your needs.
*Please note that, for now, the roundtables are subject to the DACH area in particular. Your own area might hold similar events for you. Please contact your regional point of contact or write to customer_marketing@board.com to learn more.