ICYMI: Set notification preferences to receive updates automatically

Are you enjoying the new Board Community experience but want an easy way to learn when new content becomes available? We’re here to help!
Get automatic updates when new technical content is published to popular sections like the Best Practices and How-to Guides, and hear what the Community is buzzing about here in the blog or the active Platform Forum. By following a specific content category and setting your notification preferences to your preferred delivery method, you can easily get updates delivered directly to your inbox—and never miss a thing!
Here's how you do it:
Navigate to your category of interest and select the bell icon dropdown menu. Select the type of notifications you’d like to receive. (We recommend ‘Discussions and Comments.’)
Set your email notification preferences for your selected location by navigating to your profile picture in the upper right-hand corner, then select ‘Account & Privacy Settings,’ select ‘Notification Preferences,’ and scroll down to ‘Followed Categories.’
Select ‘Email’ for your category selection of choice, and you’re all set!
Explore the benefits of Community when you take these easy steps to stay informed. There’s new content published weekly, designed to maximize your Board experience. Sign in to Community and sign up for automatic notifications. Then, let us know what you think in the comments below!