Board Platform Logs: User Logs

User Logs
The file format used is tab-separated CSV.
This information should be used to track user / profiles modification and check if there were failed / unauthorized login attempts which require further investigation.
1.1 Login / Logout information
Filename: Login.log
Updated every: User Login/Logout attempt from any Board client ( Windows, Mobile, Excel addin, Web)
Log Rotation: none
Header: No
Scope: It tracks all the login and logout of the users, it also include the address of the client machine from which the user connected. It tracks errors such as wrong password or user already logged from elsewhere
Accessibility: The log is active by default on the Board Server machine. The log file is located in the following path: ‘’Board_Path\Dataset\Log\Users\login.log’’.
Usability: The log is unique per each Board environment. The login.log file size could potentially increase.
Highlights: It contains a numeric column always set to 1 to facilitate counters.
File structure (example):
Action | Host | Username | Datetime | Dummy |
WrongPassword | BPCCH05 | User_1 | 2014-09-09 17:27:03 | 1 |
Login Succeeded | BPCCH05 | User_1 | 2014-09-09 17:27:29 | 1 |
OfficeLicenseNotFound | BPCCH05 | Administrator | 2014-09-09 17:28:25 | 1 |
..Logout Succeeded | BPCCH05 | Administrator | 2014-09-09 17:31:20 | 1 |
Fields Description:
Action: the attempted action from the user.
Host: the hostname on which the user is logged
Username: user performing the action
Datetime: time of the action
Dummy: always 1, need to quickly load data into Board Log Analysis database and retrieve count of actions
1.2 Provisioning logs
Scope: These logs track the provisioning of the users. It tracks users and profiles creation, deletion and modification
Accessibility: The log is active by default on the Board Server machine. The log file is located in the following path: ‘’Board_Path\Dataset\Log\Users\’’. The generated logs are: ProfilesCreated.log, ProfilesModified.log, ProfilesRemoved.log, UsersCreated.log, UsersModified.log, UsersRemoved.log
Usability: The log is unique per each Board environment. The logs file size could potentially increase.
Highlights: It contains the modified profile and the username of the admin that did this, Modification in tilde databases are not tracked here but on the tilde log itself.
1.2.1 Users maintenance logs
Filenames: UsersCreated.log , UsersModified.log, UsersRemoved.log
Updated every: User Creation / Modification / Removal from the security tab
Log Rotation: none
Header: No
File structure (example):
Datetime | User | Administrator User | Dummy |
2014-09-09 17:28:25 | User1 | Administrator | 1 |
2014-09-09 17:29:25 | User2 | Administrator | 1 |
2014-09-09 17:30:25 | User3 | Administrator | 1 |
Fields Description:
Datetime: time of the action
User: the user subject to creation/modification/removal
Administrator User: the admin user which is doing the modification
Dummy: always 1, need to quickly load data into Board Log Analysis database and retrieve count of actions
1.2.2 Security Profiles maintenance logs
Filenames: ProfilesCreated.log , ProfilesModified.log, ProfilesRemoved.log
Updated every: Profile Creation / Modification / Removal from the security tab
Log Rotation: none
Header: No
File structure (example):
Datetime | Profile | Administrator User | Dummy |
2014-09-09 17:28:25 | Profile1 | Administrator | 1 |
2014-09-09 17:29:25 | Profile2 | Administrator | 1 |
2014-09-09 17:30:25 | Profile2 | Administrator | 1 |
Fields Description:
Datetime: time of the action
Profile : the profile subject to creation/modification/removal
Administrator User: the admin user which is doing the modification
Dummy: always 1, need to quickly load data into Board Log Analysis database and retrieve count of actions
1.2.3 Audit log
Updated every: Creation of new User accounts / Changes applied to existing User accounts / Deletion of existing User accounts / Users login-logout activities
Header: No
Scope: The Audit log keeps track of events related to users accounts managed through Board's Subscription Hub. Log files include additional information about these events, such as timestamp, action type and specific details for each action.
Accessibility: Audit log is available in the Users section of the subscription hub, starting with Board 2022 Summer Edition.
Each log line will always include the following information: timestamp, log type [AUDIT], action type, additional details specific for each action in JSON format.
The following action types are tracked:
Action type | Action message | Description |
LOGIN | LOGIN SUCCEEDED | The indicated user logged in successfully |
LOGIN | LOGOUT | The indicated user logged out successfully |
USER_CREATED | - | The indicated user has been created in the Subscription Hub |
USER_UPDATE | LICENSE_CHANGED | The license associated with the indicated user has been changed |
USER_UPDATE | ROLES_CHANGED | The roles associated with the indicated user for the available Board Platforms have been changed |
USER_DELETED | - | The indicated user has been deleted |