Moved: Critical Bug Alert: Delete Entity Member Functionality
This discussion has been moved.
How to Setup Microsoft IIS with Board 14 Web Server
Functionality Board 14 Web Server includes its own HTTP Server, but for multiple reasons, you might want to publish Board under IIS. Publishing Board under IIS may be convenient in these cases: Need to use a certificate and publish the site through HTTPS. Need to publish the same Board Engine through multiple sites with…
Upgrading Board License Key
Steps to upgrade a Master or Server license Stop Board Service Move current license *.key from the current folder location - C:\Program Files\Board\Board Server and save it to the desktop Launch the Key Manager program from Windows Start menu with “run as administrator” option. Alternately, double click the program…
Board Platform LOGs in Details
In the following pages you can find more details on all the relevant logs generated by the Board Platform: User Logs Server Logs Other Logs (part 1) Other Logs (part 2)
Single Sign-On (SSO) on Board
Identity management is becoming a major concern for businesses. Implementing a Single Sign-On (SSO) infrastructure enables users to sign in once and have access to all authorized resources. In this article, we'll look at the different methods of implementing SSO with Board, how to set up your own identity management system…
SSO with OpenID Connect (MS Azure AD sample)
The Scope of the current document is to provide an overview of the configuration needed in order to configure Azure AD application to SSO. Create an Enterprise Application The first step to follow by customer to enable the OIDC process in Azure AD for the Sub Hub is to set up an Enterprise Application. Go to your Azure…
Board Platform Logs: Other Logs (2 of 2) and Log Encryption
Other Logs (continued) 3.12 Connector Log Scope: It logs any action of connector type datareader, you can check it when the connector datareader is not working as expected or the connection itself does not work Accessibility: The log is active by default on the Board Server machine. The log file is located in the following…
Board Platform Logs: Other Logs (1 of 2)
Other LOGs 3.1 Diagnostic Log Filenames: diagnosticYYYYMM.log Updated every: Exception Log Rotation: Log files are rolled at the end of each month or when they reach a file size of 50 Mb, whichever comes first. Year and month appended in the file name. Accessibility: Starting from the Board 2021 Winter Edition Header: No…
Board Platform Logs: Server Logs
Server Logs 2.1 Configuration Options Server logs should be configured through the “Configure Server Logging” options under the System tab, accessing with a Board administrator user. The list of configuration options modifies the output of the Database logs and Capsule logs. 2.1.1 Database Log Events This option enables…
Board Platform Logs: User Logs
User Logs The file format used is tab-separated CSV. This information should be used to track user / profiles modification and check if there were failed / unauthorized login attempts which require further investigation. 1.1 Login / Logout information Filename: Login.log Updated every: User Login/Logout attempt from any…
SSO with SAML 2.0 (MS Azure AD Sample)
The Scope of the current document is to provide an overview of the configuration needed in order to configure Azure AD application to SSO with BOARD Cloud or On-Premise. Configuring SAML SSO Application In order to use BOARD SSO in the cloud with SAML 2.0 protocol an application endpoint must be created on the IdP…
How To: Use the Board Cloud Shared Storage
The BOARD Shared Storage is a CLOUD resource that is provided in your Cloud Instance. It is a Data File Storage that is accessible from any BOARD Application resident on a BOARD Cloud Instance like a standard legacy hard-drive. By default it is labelled “z”. Board Data Reader can load files from the z:\ path. The BOARD…
How To: Fix Board Add-in Installation Issues
In this article we will discuss about some issues related to Board Office Add-in installation. The most frequent issues are: The setup program office add-in fails. Board Add-in Disappears and must be re-enabled every time The export feature is disabled. (gray icon) The setup program office add-in fails Issue: The setup…
Board 12 Installation Prerequisites
Web Browser Board supports most modern browsers with HTML5 capabilities. We recommend you use the latest versions of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari. Note: For Board Cloud installations is Board Server and WEB Server NOT relevant Functionality A Board installation is made up of the following…
Board Web: Application Settings
Functionality The Application Settings of the BOARD Web API Server are responsible of the following options: Web Server connection Authentication methods permitted Anonymous authentication activation Web menu display Chat activation Default Settings These settings can be customised. File location: "C:\Program Files…
Create Report: Snapshotter
Functionality The Snapshotter is used to create exports of the screen you’ve been working on in different formats like PDF, MS Word, MS Powerpoint and screenshot. Further explained here B10.3 Create Report (boardmanual.com) How to Configure It The config file is already configured but might need some adjustments based on…
Board Web Settings Overview
Note: The information provided here is for BOARD 10 and BORAD 12. BOARD Cloud: Changes to configuration files need to be requested via Cloud Support. Functionality Since BOARD 10 the Web Server is published via HTML5 and version by version it is enhanced with additional functionalities. This document provides developers…
Board Mailer Service
Functionality The Mailer is the service responsible of sending emails when using the Board functionalities of Broadcasting, Subscription and Send-To. To activate it, it is necessary to configure the correct parameters within the following files located in the Board Web Server file system: Broadcasting.config Mailer.config…
How to Enable SSL with Board 12 Web Server (HTML 5)
An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates a website's identity and enables an encrypted connection. SSL is a security protocol that creates an encrypted link between a web server and a web browser. BOARD administrators will need to add SSL certificates to their websites during…
How to Setup Microsoft IIS with Board 12 Web Server
Functionality Board 12 Web Server includes its own HTTP Server, but for multiple reasons, you might want to publish Board under IIS. Publishing Board under IIS may be convenient in these cases: Need to use a certificate and publish the site through HTTPS Need to publish the same Board Engine through multiple sites with…