UBH - Using dependancies in Procedures
Dear all,
Since the integration of UnBalanced Hierarchies, a world opened to us!
Including the dependancies selections (Leaf, Descendants, children, etc…) of the UBH in a DataView.
However, these dependancies can NOT be used in Procedures.
It could be usefull to easily calculate the weight of a member Vs its direct parent.
Would it be possible to have in selection, like time functions, the ability to dynamically select the parent of the current member? Or all the leak members of a selection?
Yes! This is a must have improvement to Unbalanced Hierarchies.
Also to really explore the full potential of UBHs in a professional context we need an extension on the "Select based on" step
My Idea is that I can flag the Node of a UBH in a selection cube. In the select based on cube step I can choose the option e.g. select all Leaves based on cube, or select all direct descendants based on cube1 -
Thank you for sharing your idea, @BENOIT ROLLAND EYROLLES. We appreciate the time you put into crafting this suggestion.
We would like to understand more on the use case from you here so we can go ahead and evaluate this idea further.0 -
@Product Management Team ,
It would be very useful that a procedure deduce the members' parent (or any upper ancestor) dynamically from the UBH.Here is a use case met in project : knowing the weight of a member Vs its family or group (product / client / account)
Further detail: what's the weight of a "cost" among its "group cost" parent, or "total costs" N+3 ancestor.
For the time being, we need to:
- export the data of each leaf members on a side,
- export the data of all parents on other side,
- send the parent data at leaf level using the UBH relationships
- divide the leaf member data by its parent data
- write the result in the corresponding ratio
Expected: ratio = member data ÷ ancestor #1 data x 100
Where the member could be either a selection, or dynamic according to current selection done in screen.
@Philipp Schumacher ,
If you see further needs, let us know.0
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