Level 200 Module 204 Material and Material Group Empty

Josh Active Partner
Level 200: Leveraging Board for Business Insights Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board

I'm trying to complete step 7 and following the instruction to manually set up relationships between Material and Material Group but both seem to be empty. Have I missed a step where data was meant to be uploaded? I've scrolled through a few times but can't see anything I've missed. most likely just my mistake though. Any help would be appreciated.





  • TJ Barber
    TJ Barber Employee
    April Badge of the Month March Badge of the Month 5 Likes First Comment

    Hey Josh,

    In that step there is an image showing the fully member set for Material and Material group. The intention was to have a learner type them in after this instruction: "Relationships for material related to material group Members need to be manually set up to match the image below."

    I'll admit that isn't as clear as we intended, and I'll be adding some instruction to the Entity members directly. Everyone should see a course update in a day or so. But, if you are hung up, you can manually type in the entity members from that image, the image does show the entire member data for the two entities.