Entity Broken?

Good Morning :)
I have an Entity that seems fine in the DataModel:
However, if I look into a DataView in a Screen, there are no values in the entity. (even with show all, nothing is shown)
What could be the problem?
Thank you
Kind Regards
Good Morning Wolfgang,
thank you for your Post.
I have following things in mind you could check on:
- Are the relationships correctly set?
- I see you have selections on the screen. Did you check (e.g. in the Selection Window) if there are any Tech_Kontos available/left for this selection?
Another thing:
- Is the Tech_Konto a new Entity and/or the used Cube a new Cube and you uploaded Values in the Cube using a DataReader? Have you unloaded the Database first after creating the Entity/Cube before Uploading Data/Releationships?
Maybe this allready helps. Let me know.
Best regards,
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Thank you Fabian for your response.
I saw that there is an opentrigger which selects an entity based on a mapping cube which holds an entity which we cleared yesterday. I hat to fill the mapping cube again and now the selects run correctly again.
Thanks for the nudge in the right direction :)
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Good morning Wolfgang,
does not appear to be a case where the entity is corrupt.
Here is what I would check in order:
1)Entity population - are the elements shown correctly? (from the screen open screen selection and check that Tech_Konto is present;
2)Cube dimensionality - what is the granularity of the cube?
2.1)Do all the dimensions set in the cube correspond to the finest (i.e. the most granular) level of your hierarchies?
2.1.1) If the answer is yes, it means that the information is not consistent with the active screen selection, i.e. the selections applied return an empty set of information. TIP: Reset all screen selections and use the drill down function to explore the existing data.
2.1.2) if the answer is negative (i.e. if at least one of the cube dimensions is an aggregation),check the relationship on the relationship page.
3) check the data reader setting that does not discard any records, both for the entity and cube population.
Let me know, if it helps.