Level 200: Board Training Environment 30-day Limit Reminder

Kristin Dimitrova
edited April 2024 in Academy

Hello Academy community,

We want to remind you that you have 30 days to complete the Level 200 training course once your instance on the Board Training Environment gets activated. You will receive an email from Board Cloud when the instance is ready, noting its expiration date.

PLEASE NOTE: Once your instance is activated, you have 30 calendar days to complete the Level 200 course. The course takes roughly 15 hours to complete, so please plan accordingly. At the end of the 30 days, all work gets erased and cannot be resurrected. Please be aware that access is limited to 30 calendar days and cannot be extended beyond that.

Good luck with the course completion! The Academy team remains available if you have any questions or need our assistance.

Accepted Answer


  • Catalina
    Catalina Customer
    Photogenic Board Developer First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited January 2024


    I've followed Board fundamentals training but it's clearly not enough to be able to develop in Board. I'm checking applications developed by consultants in my company and it's difficult to understand by myself the logic of the many intermediate cubes they use for example. Is this level 200 a training to help you build a mindset when conceiving applications in Board ? If not, is there any advanced training with a practical approach on concrete example of how to do ?

    I've done Review Activity after Foundations of Building in Board (1 & 2) but it's really the basics. I would like to see some examples of databases diagrams with temporary and technical cubes to execute intermediate steps for example.

    thank you,


  • Hi,

    How do i know how may days I have left?



  • Hi Andrew,

    Please contact Kate, her email is: khigley@board.com

    She'll be able to let you know.



  • Hi @Andrewi,

    Kate is no longer a part of the team. You can email support@board.com to know how many days are left.

    Thank you,

    Marcus Smith