Standard "integrated" copy function for e.g., Versions, Scenarios etc.

Hi all,
it would be great to have a integrated copy function.
Use Case: During a planning cycle we want to copy a Version 1 into a Version 2 (Entity in a Cube). Therefore, we have to create a procedure, define temporary cubes without the entity Version, add for nearly each cube a step with temporary cube not dimensioned with the entity Version (storing the cube values), and again all steps from before to write the content into the new (selected) Version.
Idea: Since we do know on which entity we want the have the transfer, it would be very cool if we could select related entity e.g., Version. As a next step, we would define the "Source" and the "Target". Finally, we would get a list of all cubes having that entity to perform a selection (selecting cubes which are relevant). It could look like this:
This could also apply to "Clear Cubes" where we could select cubes based on a Admin-Cube or directly in the procedure e.g., drop-down menu with multiple selection.
Feel free to reach out if you want to go more in details :)
Kind regards,
Hi Atilla
Just wanted to record the exact same idea when I stumbled across your idea. This feature would be really great!
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Great Idea!
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That would be really helpful for almost each planning project
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Thanks for sharing this idea. That would be greatly useful for makers, that so far have to create a temporary cube for each planning cube without the scenario/version as already mentioned, and mostly maintain this procedure every time a new planning cube structured by version/scenario is added.
A standard function can help to save time, maybe with a dedicated section of standard entity (the same for time dimension) with a pre defined and optimized sparsity management1 -
Great idea would really be helpful during the planning exercises