Level 200 Module 207: Build a Data Model and Capsule Procedure to increase the CY budget by 5%

I might have missed it, but I think the instructions are missing the part where you should multiply py actual * 1.05 to get current year budget with 5% increase.

In Level 200 207

shouldn't this have Set Expression to a*1.05?

  • In the "MAIN" group, create a "Data flow" step, in "CONFIGURE LAYOUT" use "ACT - DF - Sales LC" as data "a" and select "Previous Year",  and use "BUD - DF - Sales LC" as data "b". Set the "target" as "b:BUD - DF - Sales LC" and set "Expression" to "a".  Select "CALCULATION DOMAIN" and in the Extend calculation on new tuple for all members of section, select: "Version".


  • Hi Matthew, are you talking about the directions in Step 3 under the header "Build a Data Model and Capsule Procedure to increase the CY budget by 5%?"

    I think you're right. The screenshot does seem to show that the expression has the a*1.05, but the directions just say "a." I will let the course designers know. Good catch!

  • thanks Crystal ! also, very minor, while you're under the hood, section 208, UK0002 has 3 zeroes and then 2 zero's

    Manual Adjustment to UK0002

    Data Entry Adjustment

    • 1In "Play Mode", set the value for store "UK002" in "Sept. 2023" to "25,000".
  • TJ Barber
    TJ Barber Employee
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments April Badge of the Month March Badge of the Month
    edited September 2023

    Thanks for your comment! We just ran some course updates this morning and we're making sure the steps are set up properly to collect all the edits that were made. It should be up to date by the end of the day.