Use Cube groups for Cube Visibility settings


Cube visibility is a great feature that we are starting to implement with customers.

However, the setup of every single cube is a very time-consuming and maintenance-heavy operation especially in larger databases with hundreds of cubes.

One tool that would greatly help in that area would be the possibility to set up access conditions per Cube group.

That would make setting it up much easier and also helps with new cubes that would only have to be assigned to the correct group instead of having to remember to set up Cube Visibility for each one of them.

Bonus would be having the group for something more than just a visual clustering.

26 votes

Open For Voting · Last Updated


  • Product Management Team
    Product Management Team Employee, Group Leader
    250 Likes 500 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited February 2024
  • Product Management Team
    Product Management Team Employee, Group Leader
    250 Likes 500 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper

    Thank you for sharing your idea, @Stefan Böhm. We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion.

    In order to evaluate this idea further, we would love to ask you if you please could provide us with more use cases?

  • Hi @Product Management Team,

    the above use case is basically it. Currently, if using Cube Visibility, when creating e.g. new reporting cubes, you have to go into the security settings and set up the Cube visibility settings for every single one. Since in Board we tend to use a lot of cubes, this can be time consuming and also a security risk if you forget to include one.

    If instead you simply have a cube group (e.g. 'Reporting') and every cube in this group is automatically assigned a certain cube visibility setting (which usually is the same for all of them anyways and otherwise has to be copied from existing cubes) you could mitigate all of the abovementioned problems.