Today the lowest level of recurrence for a scheduled task is the day, so it is quite hard and boring to schedule a task every hour, or every 15 minutes for ex.
It would be great to have the possibility to schedule a task several time par day.
Dear @Nicolas Philippot
I understand the requirement and I leave the consideration to the Product Team for a future enhancement on this, but kindly consider that if you open a ticket to the Cloud Team they can change the frequency of a scheduled task.
obviously if you require (just an example) a scheduled task every 5 minutes (which is far from the board-best practice) they will ask more details on your request :)
hope this helps!
Hi @Nicolas Philippot, thank you for sharing your idea! We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion, and we understand the need of this solution. We have accepted this Idea to be part of our backlog and we are evaluating the feasibility of adding it to the development roadmap, as we understand the need of this improvement. We are working on a new cloud administrator portal hat will allow us to give you more flexibility on the scheduler in comparison to what we have today. We are committed to delivering the best possible experience to our customers, and we must prioritize the features and enhancements that will have the most significant impact on your daily use of our software.