Is it possible to add a "+" symbol in front of positive values?
Using the image above as an example, is it possible to add a "+" value in front of the 89.0% without writing it as an text algorithm in the data view? (as this is requested in multiple views)
I understand it's possible to add a prefix in block formatting however that wouldn't recognise a value as <>0 so it would place a"+" in front of the negative values too e.g. "+-12.3%"
Hi, Waleed,
I hope you are having a great day!
Thank you for your question! I do appreciate that.
Please let me know if the "Symbol before" or "Symbol after" options work for you according to the Board Manual link below:
Best Regards,
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I hope you're doing well!
Thank you for your quick response!
Unfortunately, that function won't always perform as I'd want it to. If I were to add a "+" in the "Symbol before", it wouldn't recognise a negative value, so it'd add this "+" in this case too (as explained in my example in the original post).
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Thank you for your confirmation and clarification, Waleed! I do appreciate that.
Please let me review it. I will respond to you as quickly as I can.
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@Willians Santana Thank you!
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there is no other way to integrate a "+" than using a concatenated text block.
If you need to include thousands-separator you might want to use Nexel as a workaround. However, I would try to avoid this.Kind regards,
Bettina0 -
This feature is really missing, we should have a default option for each block to have thisoption to force +
Many business users require that you put a + before the amount when you are displaying variation column
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I agree! I've created an idea exchange post to raise it as something for the teams to consider adding to Board if you'd like to upvote.
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