Level 200 Module 209 - Timestamp Instructions Incorrect

I ran into issues for both the upload and publish timestamps in the Expense training.
The training says:
- set expression to "@Date&" at "&@Time&" by "&@User"
You need to remove the quote at the beginning and end of the phrase to make it work:
- set expression to @Date&" at "&@Time&" by "&@User
Accepted Answer
Hi Kathy,
I just checked my own test model and you are correct. I believe it is part of the confusion of both using color-coding and quotation marks to separate items in the instructions, just like how they ask you to go to "MAIN" and "Clear Cube" when neither of those items appear in quotations inside of the platform either.
I think you're totally right that it would be worth adding some note at the bottom to omit the bookend quotation marks when actually typing it in. Thanks!