Table Of Contents: Best Practices

Center of Excellence

Welcome to Board Best Practices! Here you will find links to a list of published articles that provide technical guidance on the best ways to use the Board platform and a preview of articles that are in progress.
The table of contents for How-to Guides that provide step-by-step guidance for specific use cases can be found here.
Time Range
Entities and Relationships
- Managing high-volume entities
- Auto Max Item NR
- Set up Relationships
- Data Transformation
- Relationships - scanning for errors
- Entity Definition - Concatenation or not
- Data Load Guidelines
- Historicization of relationships
- Dataflow common mistakes and best practices
- Dataflow common mistakes and best practices Pt. 2
- Best practice in writing Procedures
- Capsule Procedure vs DB Procedure
- Clear Cube insight
- Initialization process, versioning, and simulation
- Data Export functionalities
- Moving data
- Rule consolidation
- Selection option in Procedures
- Allocation with Board
- Period-by-period recursion - Tips and use cases
- Offset Rules
- Naming convention
- Use of Nexel
- Normalize in High Concurrency
- Dynamically manage calendar settings
- Dummy Entity elements for budgeting purposes
Screen and Reporting
- On-the-fly calculation Pros and Cons
- Navigation - Tips & common mistakes
- Application Navigation Design
- Reporting Layer: Optimize a report
- Use of Number Scaling
- Drill Actions
- Data entry saving methods
- Comparison between different versions/scenarios in the same report
- Drill Anywhere Options: "Drill To" vs "Go To"
- Data entry input validation rules
System Admin
- Synchronize multiple Data models
- Broadcasting & Notification Tool
- Data Access Control
- The backup mentality