Data reader failing with error "ReadGo4EseguiCUBESdo failed for ddv" in diagnostic log
I have a client where SQL data readers started failing to fully load data yesterday with the error below in the Diagnostic log. A trace in SQL shows the queries executed properly and the other Board logs show the correct number of records.
No other functionality in Board appears to be impacted.
The client is using 12.4.0. Any suggestions?
I have also logged this with Board Support.
[2023-10-06 15:53:46.427 +11:00] ERROR { "Username": "Administrator", "CorrelationId": "2ecf91e4-2429-4ff2-b7f9-89f7c613532e", "Procedure": "DataRead", "TaskId": "5dc82cea-0af5-4495-a13e-2b49230ffa84", "Action": "SQL Data Read", "DataModel": "XXXXXX", "ControlFlow": "false" } ReadGo4EseguiCUBESdo failed for ddv "V002" ["GL Actuals - Daily - Local Currency"].
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at BEng.BEng_FRX4ten.TenDataReadChunkBySidxClass.ReadGo4EseguiCUBESdo(Int32 LastRow)
In case anybody else comes across this, I have identified the cause.
The code that the data reader was trying to create in one of the entities had a non-space whitespace character at the end. It appears that Board has rejected this. This has then caused it to not have a valid item to store the data against in the cube.
Thanks to Dom in the Australian Premium Support team who obtained the information that got me on the right path.
For completeness, here is the full list of suggestions that I received:
- A few things that we must review from their DM is about the ETL in that DR,
- missing relationships (specifically missing Parents)
- entities' saturations
- also, if they're running it with the 'Add New Items' mode on the entities, they must separate that with pushing data into the cube meaning, it is considered best practice to first load the entity members only, and then run a second data reader to load the cube data.
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