Is it possible to select the years shown in the columns via selection in a Gantt Chart?
I have two date cube dimensioned by task that I need to visualise as a Gantt Chart.
Now, I want to not show all the years but restrict it to only a few, however when I select years in the time dimension it does not restrict the shown years in the Gantt Chart.
Is there a way to select the years I want to show?
The time dimension of the gantt chart is dynamic and will always display the time range according to the tasks that are displayed. To my knowledge it is not possible to cut off tasks by limiting a time range in the selection.
Depending on your task model something that could work is to set up a help cube which maps tasks to the desired time range (e.g. start date, end date or duration) and set a filter in the data view to only display tasks which fulfill the condition.
Keep in mind that this will not cut off tasks with a longer duration than the selected time range but you can limit the display and corresponding time dimension of the gantt chart.
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In the Layout editor, under the Object properties panel, a few dropdown menus allow you to define which Blocks will be used for displaying data in the Gantt chart.
They are the following:
- Start date (required). Defines the Date Cube containing the start dates of activities
- End date (required). Defines the Date Cube containing the end dates of activities
In the case where the configuration of the Gantt chart object results in additional columns in the left area of the chart, the following icons will be available:
- Timeline scale. Allows you to change the time period displayed in the activity bars area
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