'Continue on Error' checkbox for Rest API Calls


with Rest API Calls getting more and more important and part of our solutions, an option to enable a procedure to continue on error would be appreciated.

Right now, if the API Call fails (e.g. if if the call limit is exceeded or there are too many parellel calls), the procedure simply aborts and everything after is not excecuted.

An option to continue even upon encountering those errors would be great so we can decide not to abort the rest of the process.

Kind regards

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  • Product Management Team
    Product Management Team Employee, Group Leader
    250 Likes 500 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited March 2024

    Thank you for sharing your idea, @Stefan Böhm. We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion.

    Great news, the checkbox you described above will be improved in the B14.1 version. These cases should be managed using the "On error go to group" REST API functionality, so that, by changing the procedure flow execution, if it is on error, the procedure continues to execute.

    Please have a look and test it and if you continue experiencing the same behavior let us know.

  • That is good to hear. Currently if the call runs into an error (meaning you get message on top like "failed to call API…") the procedure aborts and the 'go to group' option is not used. If that works better in B14, that's great!

    @Product Management Team