Localization - possibility to Import/Export text in localization file

Hi all,

It would be useful to have the ability to import text into the localization file or maybe Export the file instead.

If the text I'm loading matches, then it performs the replacement in all the languages I'm importing, if it doesn't exist in the collect it is ignored.


11 votes

Open For Voting · Last Updated


  • Hi,

    a quick workaround would be to use the "CapsuleTranslation.csv" files within the Dataset\Localization\ folder of the Board folder and update the translation in the files.

    Kind regards,

  • Hi bettina,

    thanks but i can't use this feature because work with solutions and we have different customers/cases.

    thanks for your help.

  • Hi Gianmarco,

    I recently worked on Localization for one of the clients and might be workaround for you as well.

    I selected the Languages before collecting the text and then asked Cloud to supply me the files.

    Worked on the files :

    1. By making sure the encoding is UTF-8 and checking the files in Notepad++

    2. Checking for special symbols and translation before saving the file again to .csv

    3. Save it as .csv and send it to cloud to load them back

    Thanks & Regards,

    Neha Hasija

  • For missing rows(with commas) are not properly populated in the file, I manually corrected them in Board localization screen.

  • I worked with Neha on the work around and it appears to work consistently as long as the steps are followed carefully.

    A few notes:
    1) UTF-8 formatting is critical to this working.

    2) Please continue to vote for this idea if you find it useful.

    3) The work around listed above is not an official feature at this time (hence the need to vote on this).

  • I would invite you also to care about an additional detail, when adopting the above workaround, properly suggested by @Neha Hasija and @Zachary Turner:

    When you "Collect text" in order to populate the file you'll then be using for translation, localized files (the ones you will have to populate with the localized translations, ES-IT_FR etc..) will somehow "lose" the Type column.

    If you have more than one entry with the same text (ex capsule text and cube name) only first entry will be taken and you'll obtain the same translation for both items, typically with the top one encoutered when parsing translation file.