Adding "Apply entity selection to screen"

when e.g. using "fake" selectors on screens to add different selections based on cube like currency on a country selection etc. you always have to use the "Apply selection to screen" option.
This "apply selection to screen" then always overwrites the "default" selection when resetting selections on different entites which can be very annoying. So having this apply only for one entity could help this problem.
on open trigger with "Apply selection to screen"
Entity 1 → 4/5 members selected
You select two member
Entity 1 → 2/5 members selected
You use fake selector with choosing country and currency and "apply selection to screen"
You select 1 member
Entity 1 → 1/5 members selected
You press the reset button
Expected outcome:
Entity 1 → 4/5 members selected
Entity 1 → 2/5 members selected