Localized versions of Level 200 course available in Academy now

The Board Academy developer training course, Level 200: Building a Planning Solution, is now available in three additional languages: German, Italian, and Japanese, with French coming soon. Level 200 is an active online experience during which the learner builds a functional budget planning application in the Board Training Environment.
Customers and partners can find this course in the Board Academy. The various localized-language courses are all available from the course selection page on the Academy.
Take the time to learn Board development skills and you will multiply the benefits of Intelligent Planning for your organization.
Level 200 learner feedback:
“I'm loving each & every moment I spend in this course. I believe that it's going to be incredibly helpful for someone who's willing to enhance their competency when it comes to navigating and developing a planning solution in Board.”
“Very useful content and steps to build an application.”
“Learning material is well written accompanied with good guidance. Great way to learn. It shows clearly how to develop a Board application from beginning to end.”
To access this course, and others, please visit the Board Academy.