Opening Balance Roll Forward over all future Periods

Currently Board has no "native" Opening to Closing balance function. Currently this can be handled using Nexel or using two cell blocks and a formulae to reference the block before. The first alternative using Nexel works but is tricky to set up and is associated with a specific view. The second is worse as the roll over is not automatic and must be cycled through x times to ensure all the closing balances are rolled to each opening balance. This is made worse when you have an intermediate calculation involved such a customer churn where a % of the opening balance is a calculated number which means you need to reduce the closing balance before rolling forward. As below:-

Open Bal 100 110 129

churn %10 of OpBal -10 -11 -13

Additions 20 30 20

Closing Balance 110 129 136

This can be worse in the in telco, energy & banking the churn is to another product so the calculation gets worse !

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