Rest API Integration into a cube in Board directly.
We have set up a Rest API call that bypasses the pipeline and pulls data from a different model in our Board instance.
Is it possible to take the payload(source data) that we get from the Rest API and push it directly to a cube in our datamodel?
We do not want the payload to be exported into an output file that is saved somewhere as a csv and then use a data reader to pull the data into our model.
How can we bypass this step to populate the data model directly or without the payload?
Kind Regards
Accepted Answer
Hi Marius,
Unfortunately its not possible to load the output of an API call directly to a cube. The only supported format for an API call is a CSV file which then can be used by the data reader to load the cube.
There is already an idea out in the community to have additional output/storage formats for REST API call.
Kindly vote for it if you think it should be considered as part of an enhancement request.Thanks,
Hi Samson,
Thank you very much for you response.
I upvoted the idea as well now.
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Hi @Samson Sunny,
We were trying to avoid using a cvs file step to send data from one model in Board to another.
Could you perhaps guide us into another way to then send data from one model in board to another without having to use a flatfile or csv file that needs to get populated?
Kind Regards,
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