Level 200, module 204: All my numbers are double those of the screenshots in the course

After setting up the Data View configurations for the Sales and Units data, all my numbers are double those of the screenshots in the course? For example The units for the product "Bangle" in Feb 21 are two on my screen while they are one on the screenshot.
Is there anyone that has an idea where the problem could lie?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Jonathan, many thanks for reaching out with this request.
Usually, the behavior you are experiencing is obtained when same datareader, invoked manually or within procedures in order to populate data cubes, is run multiple times and setup in "ADD" mode, rather than in "Replace time slice"
Might it be the case?
I remain completely available for any clarification.
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Thanks for replying Ivano.
I went through all the instructions again and suddenly it was correct. Not sure why though.