Logging Improvement - diagnosticYYYYMM.log


Hello all,

Within the file "diagnostic«YYYYMM».log", there are various actions that are called out as part of the log. Specifically, if a process clears a cube without selections.

[2023-11-01 08:48:10.648 -04:00] WARN { "Username": "x", "CorrelationId": "x", "Procedure": "cap - Update - Volume MS", "TaskId": "x", "Action": "Clear cube", "DataModel": "x" } Clear cube "V014" requested without selections.

This is fantastic info - but the data after it isn't super useful. The issue being that rather than listing the common name of the cube, we see the system name. I then have to look up to see what cube "V114" is in order to see if it is something that actually needs my attention or not.

Can this log generation be altered to show:

[2023-11-01 08:48:10.648 -04:00] WARN { "Username": "x", "CorrelationId": "x", "Procedure": "cap - Update - Volume MS", "TaskId": "x", "Action": "Clear cube", "DataModel": "x" } Clear cube "V014 - 'Temp - Version'" requested without selections.

instead? The inclusion of the name of the cube makes it much simpler as the administrator to quickly parse out what are actual issues and what is OK.

6 votes

Open For Voting · Last Updated


  • Helmut Heimann

    Great idea, I might add that it would be helpful to see which procedure step executed the action. Maybe that information is available at a more verbose level of the trace.