level 200- data reader load - discarded items

I ran the data loaders and got 2 disc items under Location.

I then ran 'Analyze' under Relationships and found a lot of errors re: missing parents/children…I fixed some manually but now sure how to fix some such as:

how do i resolve these missed mappings?




  • Hi Andrew,

    You can find the .log files generated in the same folder where your source file (Location Tree.csv) sits. You should also find a reason for the rejection in the .log file's last column.

    You can also complete the gaps in the hierarchy manually using the Relationships area of the datamodel by clicking on the orphan. You can also assign a default member for all missing parents when you click on the 'default' button.

    I hope I could help



  • is this part of the training? that you get these errors due to the data files provided? just wondering…

  • Hi Andrewi,
    I don't recall getting errors with those data readers at least to the impact that we would have to manually update them. It has been a minute since I've gone through this training, but to me it looks like the mapping you have for the data reader is not correct (or an incorrect file is being loaded) as I generally wouldn't expect country and area to have the exact same members mapped 1-to-1.

    Can you please double check the mapping and the file that is being loaded?


  • I just set defaults to move on..and then I got stuck further along on setting up the views. I can check this later though.


  • Hi kevin,

    I had the location reader mapping incorrect. I fixed that and re-loaded. I still got 2 items discarded.

    and when I click 'Analyze" i get this:

    I assume i got new data and the original data where i mapped stuff was over-written? These are location related and I did get 2 discarded items in that file load.

    I am trying to get to see the log files but I am not sure where to look as the path is C:\Board…but thats not on my local laptop C: drive …its probably on the virtual Board environment machine…how do i access that?



  • Thought I'd try the functional test where It says select Italy…but I dont have that in my country list…could be the related to the 2 discarded items… here is what my list looks like:

    Is there a way to somehow refresh the data in the cubes?

    I thought re-running the data reader would do that but…?

