Upgrading Board License Key

Andrea Mo

Steps to upgrade a Master or Server license
- Stop Board Service
- Move current license *.key from the current folder location - C:\Program Files\Board\Board Server and save it to the desktop
- Launch the Key Manager program from Windows Start menu with “run as administrator” option. Alternately, double click the program file KeyManager.exe. located in your Board installation directory.(It gets installed during Board installation directory under the folder path below)C:\Program Files\Board\Board Server
- The following window will appear: Key in the required information
- After clicking OK, a file named [User ID].key (where [User ID] is the name typed in the User ID field) is created in the same directory where KeyManager.exe is located. This is the new half-KEY which needs to be certified.
- Open Upload half-key via “UPLOAD LICENSE FILE”
- Wait until the confirmation message indicating the e-mail address where the certified KEY was sent is displayed.
- Shortly after this, you will receive an e-mail with the new certified KEY, place the new key in the folder C:\Program Files\Board\Board Server
- Open the Board Server Configurator and "point" to the new license (Environment – License section)
- Click on "apply changes"
- Start the board service
- If everything is ok, delete the "old" license file