Confirm selection with double-click

Hello, Community and Team Board,
My problem:
When making a single or multiple selection in a selector, I would like to confirm the selection as simply as possible. For me, this is a double-click or a context menu.
Unfortunately, the board solution does not offer this by default.
Instead, you always have to move the mouse all the way down and then confirm the selection with "Apply".
This is not user-friendly and leads to a certain amount of frustration.
My idea would be to either confirm the selection with a double-click or to remain on the element and provide a context menu.
I would be pleased to see this idea implemented.
Best regards from Frankfurt/M.
Author's addition:
This phenomenon only occurs with individual selectors. With standard selectors, a simple click on the element or the Enter command works.Greatings Sven Kowalewski, Frankfurt/M