PDF Export - Suppress blank pages

Issue: When exporting reports using the Export PDF feature, subscription, or broadcasting, there are blank pages that the customer doesn't want.

Proposed Solution: Add an option in the export PDF setup to automatically suppress blank pages - like the "Preview page" and "Select" ones.

In one of our cases, for example, this can currently be done manually by selecting only profit centers that the users know have data in the P&L report, but of course this cannot be done in a scheduled task.

17 votes

Open For Voting · Last Updated


  • We have the same problem. Our implementation partner has therefore developed an extra procedure with a new button in the menu bar. Sincerely Sven Kowalewski

  • @Sven Kowalewski We are going down the same road, but hitting some other issues (tickets logged with board). What would be nice, is for the page by to be able to reference block reference calcs to hide pages dynamically - we have some entire pages dedicated to immaterial amounts…but I won't get greedy - just give us a hide blank :) !!!

  • @Filippo Biolcati Hey Fil, wondering if not creating blank excel sheets could be included in this also?

  • Filippo Biolcati
    Filippo Biolcati Active Partner
    Level 300: Expanding Board in Your Organization First Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment

    @Matthew Brown yes, good point! I think it's a different kind of setup, so we might have to post a new idea.