Enable "@[entityname]" for the file path/file name in Data Readers and Extract Steps

Nico Weber
Nico Weber Active Partner, Community Captain
Second Anniversary 25 Likes 25 Up Votes 10 Comments
edited February 2024 in Idea Exchange

1. What is your idea?
Enable "@[entityname]" for the file path in Data Readers and Extract Steps also.
For the new REST API call step this is already possible.

2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to?
If a procedure is used for the export and subsequent import of data, which must also be able to be executed in parallel, there is a risk that the exported file will be overwritten before it has been read in again.
If, for example, the context of the procedure depends on an organizational unit (with a selection on this organizational unit per run), the solution would be to specify "@Organizational Unit" for the file name of the exported file in the Extract Step and to use this in the Data Reader as well.

The guideline recommends using "@User" instead in order to separate the files.

In combination with calling the procedure via the Board API (by specifying the relevant organizational unit as a selection parameter), however, this is not a suitable solution, as the user is then always the "API user".

In this case, it would only be possible to separate the files with "@Organizational Unit" in the file name.

As the new REST API call step already allows the specification of "@[entityname]" in the file name, this function should also be implemented for the Data Readers and Export Steps.

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