GCR 1.0.2 is Now Available!

A new GCR version (1.0.2) is here!
We are happy to announce that a new GCR version (1.0.2) is now available for customers and partners!
1. New features included in this release
1.1 Automatic Adjustment
Trough this new functionality, users can now create automatic adjustments and calculation rules directly from the GCR UI.
In particular, now the users have the:
- possibility to select a specific consolidation node or all consolidation nodes
- Possibility to specify Layer on which the calculation will be performed
- Possibility to apply the rule if the source value is positive-negative or both
- Possibility to assign a specific Adjustment Number/Audit Trail
- Possibility to switch the sign of the calculation
- Possibility to use a factor (an allocation driver from 0 to 100)
- Possibility to choose if the calculation is an automatic reclassification or a more complex rule.
This functionality will allow GCR users to easily create rules to automate adjustments and fully track it through the audit trail.
1.2 Advanced Data Management
Trough this new functionality, users can now easily copy and/or erase and paste different type of data and metadata among different periods and scenarios.
Specifically, now, the users can:
- Easily copy and paste financial data from one period/scenario to another period/scenario
- Easily copy and paste Organizational Scopes data from one period/scenario to another period/scenario
- Easily copy and paste FX Rates data from one period/scenario to another period/scenario
- Easily copy and paste Data Mappings from one period/scenario to another period/scenario
- Erase specific data from one period/scenario
This functionality will allow user to speed up their recurrent activities in GCR, allowing also to easily create additional scenarios for simulation purposes.
1.3 New Automatic Elimination – Internal Provision
Now GCR can manage Internal Provision Elimination as an automatic elimination:
- A new specific layer have been created to accommodate and isolate the calculation result
- A new elimination type have been inserted, to be matched with the specific accounts that are part of the elimination
- A new screen in the admin capsule, to set the target accounts/movements of the calculation.
1.4 Additional features and enhancements
GCR also bring a set of enhancements to existing features:
- New out of the box reports, that can automatically display MTD values.
- New out of the box reports, that display, in a debit-credit logic, the result of each automatic calculation
- Possibility to identify specific RU’s that can manually input Trial Balances in the data collection area.
- When defining a validation rule in the admin capsule, it’s now possible to assign the rule to specific subset of intercompany values or to the whole set of financial data
- FX Rates triangulation calculation.
- Mark Up Calculation Enhancements: now the calculation has an economic impact also on the seller side
2. Bugs Fixed
2.1 Bugs
Around 40 Bugs have been fixed: the most critical ones are:
- Spot Rates usage, causing issue on fx conversion calculations.
- Few issues fixed in the Investment Register
- .Adjustment module: we have corrected a set of bugs that prevented from the possibility of modifying existing adjustments
- Equity Method advanced: when applying to a group with more than 3 levels, causing miscalculations.
- IC cockpit validation: issue when validating more than one IC relationship.
- Merge and Acquisition Flow: inappropriate calculation of impacts on the absorbent/acquirer.
- Reviewed OCV movement calculation in automatic elimination layers.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the display of reports in the data collection capsule under specific circumstances.
GCR 1.0.2 is available from Board Summer 2023 (12.6) forward.
For any questions, please share your questions in the comments section below. Then, remember to bookmark/follow the post to watch for comments
A big thanks to the entire GCR extended team.
If you are currently using GCR and unable to download the new version, please open a support ticket. We're happy to assist!