How to manage three different rules in the same layout

Hi, I'm in the situation described by the title.

The rules are based on the same entity, but I want to use them in the same layout due to the type of calculation the user selects. Have you got any tips?


  • HI Stefano,

    Thanks for your question. How is the user selecting the type of calculation?



  • Hi @Hamza Mesbahi via "pager" in the input screen and with the "go-to screen" the calculation (another screen) inherits the selection

  • Hamza Mesbahi
    Hamza Mesbahi Employee
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments First Answer Level 300: Expanding Board in Your Organization
    edited February 2024

    Ah ok, thanks for clarifying, @Stefano Arcangeli. So to reiterate, what you're trying to do is show the same cube but with a different rule applied based on the calculation that the user selects, and each of these calculations is shown on a different screen? Just want to make sure I correctly understand the requirement to give you the best-suited advice.

  • Hi @Hamza Mesbahi "So to reiterate, what you're trying to do is show the same cube but with a different rule applied based on the calculation that the user selects," =YES but each of these calculations is shown on the same dataview and the same screen

    thanks a lot

  • Hamza Mesbahi
    Hamza Mesbahi Employee
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments First Answer Level 300: Expanding Board in Your Organization
    edited February 2024

    Hi @Stefano Arcangeli, I'm having a little bit of a hard time envisioning how this process works, but from my standpoint, would you not be able to have a text algorithm that dynamically checks what the currently selected calculation is (using the "@calculation entity" reference), and then another algorithm with if statements to check what that value is, and either show cube a (your cube with rule 1 applied), cube b (with calculation rule 2 applied), or cube c (with calculation rule 3 applied)? Basically, can this be resolved by implementing a process in the layout to show a different cube/rule combination depending on the currently selected calculation type

  • Hi @Hamza Mesbahi I found a solution with the Expander item. With if statements for visibility I manage the situation. Thanks a lot for your support 🙂