Master Layout - reset upon screen refresh

We are currently migrating from Version 10 to 12.6 and found that the master layout is reset upon screen refresh in B12 - which was not happening in B10.

As we are using calculations on these screens, the screen refresh is needed in any case. It is quite annoying selecting the same entity member over and over again, after executing the calculation procedure. The select function in the layout is not really an alternative, because our workflow provides that we are going from product to product in a row, changing and calculating.

Is there any workaround or will that be fixed in a future version?

Thx & regards

Accepted Answer


  • Hello Pascal,

    Thanks, for sharing your observation and reaching out. I tested this on my end and it appears, I'm unable to reproduce the similar behaviour. Just to double check, are you utilizing the 'Refresh Screen' procedure step? Also, when you have an active selection within your master layout, does it reset even if you hit a screen refresh manually from the options on the top left burger menu or the screen?

    Please check and let me know.



  • @Rishabh Shahi Yes, F5 / refresh screen resets the master layout as well.

    So we will have to wait for B14 😁

    Lorenzo Aiani Thanks for the information!