Level 300, Module 302: New Sales Person Master Data File Required.

Wei Kong
Wei Kong Active Partner
Fourth Anniversary Board Developer Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board

Hi Support,

I'm using the Board Academy Cloud to complete the course Level 300,

In the data Reader ONE TIME - ACT - Units and Sales, there are many records rejected because of new sales person in the file. Could you please help to provide the file for new sales person?

Moreover, since Board training environment is quite slow sometimes somehow, I had downloaded the capsules and DBs from training web and put on our server for training, however, there are no those flat files in the download package. Could you please provide the all the flat files to download as well? Thank you.


  • Kristin Dimitrova
    edited March 2024

    Hi Wei,

    Thanks for raising this issue. It was previously reported by other learners who helped us identify an error in the Data Model preset. We fixed it and you can follow the steps in the attached file to get your data cleaned up and corrected. The time estimate to complete the steps is 30 minutes.

    Regarding the slowed performance of the environment, we usually see that happen when the internet connection is not strong enough or a VPN is being used. We recommend trying a different connection or disconnecting from any VPNs to see if this improves the performance of your training environment

    Thank you,
