Where can i change the 8443 defaut port for admin portal url?
It is not possible to change it - it is the standard configuration for Board Cloud instances.
Why do you need to change it? And change in which way?
Best Regards, federico
Test is ok. works fine.
<add key="host" value="http://*:85/" /> <!-- used only in self-hosted --><add key="boardEngine" value="localhost" />
Thanks for your great support.
This port is use by another IIS webapp.
I will try to change the Port of this other WebApp
I think there is a little bit of confusion
the "Admin Portal" on the 8443 port is linked to Board Cloud as a SaaS, and it is on "our" Board Server - managed by "our" IIS.
So you should not need to change its configuration.
If you are working in an on-premise installation, instead, there is no "admin portal" - and you can change the board website port from inside the IIS configuration.
let me know :)
Ok, I understand. I confirm that we are on-premise installation.
I don't see the WebApp Board into IIS manager (but i can see my other app into).
I can access to board web with the port :80 now. No problem for that.
I saw too that i have a Windows service Board API web engine: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Board\Board WebApi Server\BoardWebAPIEngine.exe (running state)
So right now the question is: where can i change the :80 port to antoher one?
You can see that the Board web app is connect on localhost:80
I will try to change this way: