[BOARD12] - FastTrack issue with SQL - ODBC


We receive a page with no data when we try to use Fast Track for MS SQL Server 2017 via ODBC. We did some test with other sources and it works (Ex: csv files).

Do you have any idea how can we fix this issue?


  • Samson Sunny
    Samson Sunny Employee, Community Captain
    25 Answers 100 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes


    If you are not seeing any data, that means there is a connection issue to the data source. Kindly check the Board SQL logs for any errors related to the connection failing.


  • Hi:

    Here is the log:

    2024-03-06 17:47:10.427 +01:00
    ERROR [42S02] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Nom d'objet 'dbo.T_GHRSAL' non valide.
    Select * from [dbo.T_GHRSAL]

  • Samson Sunny
    Samson Sunny Employee, Community Captain
    25 Answers 100 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes


    This error is related to the square braces encompassing the schema and the table name. Pass the query without the square braces.
    like this:- select * from dbo.T_GHRSAL

  • Hi,

    I did it. i deleted the square braces as you recommended :)

    Small evolution.

    Now, no SQL problem apparently but nothing appeared into the third screen even SQL log.

  • The version is 12.5.1

    2024-03-07 10:04:10.392 +01:00 ERROR Administrator a40db1ce-9267-4577-b34b-1a084f33d3e8 NET_LayoutToSpread MDSB LivraisonALC\CUBESB.bcps Accueil {"ErrorCode":"NoRowsOrColumns", "ControlFlow":true, "StackTrace":"BoardSharedStructures.BoardServerException\r\n à BEng.NetInterface.ExecLayoutAnteLancio(oStmType oStm, ClientRequestWithFilters Request, CoreLayout cliLay, Guid cliLayGuid, Boolean IsTheFirst, clsSelPark& oSelPark, Boolean IsPinBoard, Boolean PivotTable, Boolean IsTheFirstIndeed, Boolean ExecLayoutFromSync, Boolean& ExecLayoutBoth, Boolean ignoreLayoutResponseMaxCellsParameter)\r\n à BEng.Net_Interface.NET_LayoutToSpread(ClientRequestWithFilters Request, CoreLayout cliLay, Guid cliLayGuid)\r\n à BoardService.BoardService.<>c__DisplayClass311_0.<NET_LayoutToSpread>b__0(Object f)\r\n à BoardSharedStructures.BengProxyUtils.CallCustomMethod[T](MethodBase methodBase, Object[] methodParams, Func`2 bengFunc)\r\n à BoardService.BoardService.NET_LayoutToSpread(Byte[] Request, Byte[] cliLay, Guid cliLayGuid)\r\n à SyncInvokeNET_LayoutToSpread(Object , Object[] , Object[] )\r\n à System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.SyncMethodInvoker.Invoke(Object instance, Object[] inputs, Object[]& outputs)\r\n à System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DispatchOperationRuntime.InvokeBegin(MessageRpc& rpc)"} Action failed. 16

  • Hello,

    we recommend opening a support request on support.board.com so we can better analyze and keep track of the issue.



  • Hi,

    Answer of the support:

    Hi Jean-Vincent,

    Thank you for reaching back to us and helping us with the update.

    Following up on your query, I have checked with our internal team and conducted tests. The Fast Track feature is designed to work exclusively with local files (Excel) and does not support SQL sources. Consequently, this functionality has been deprecated in Board 14, and it will not work for the steps you are attempting.

    If you have any further questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with, please feel free to let me know.